Who is Roland Hint

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Interval training

Hey everybody,

Yesterday, 23th July I was running again.

I made my first interval training ever;)

So how did I do it. My short running track is about 6 km long. When I run it quite gently it takes me about 27 minutes 4:30/1k.

Yesterday I made 5 intervals on this distance. I ran quite fast the first part. It was

about 1.2k, afterwards I was walking for 2 minutes

then about 800 meters fast, 2 minutes walking
then 700 meters fast, 2 minutes walking
then 900 meters fast, 2 minutes walking
then 1000 meters fast, 2 minutes walking

These distances are just guessed so maybe they are a bit longer or shorter.

I am actually thinking of making the intervals shorter, so I guess it might be better to also run just a 200 or 400 meters fast pace.

How fast did I take them?

Really fast, almost so hard as if I am in a competition. Maybe 90-95% of maximum.

I was quite tired afterwards. Takes a lot of energy;)

But happy I made it.

Today I am planning to run  a 6k in a really gently speed. 28 minutes will be fine cause I have to recover somehow;)

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