Who is Roland Hint

Monday, 23 February 2015

You Can't Turn A Hobby Into A Business!

The sad truth is, that most people think that they can make a living from their hobby, so they try making a business from their hobby. Increasing supply, at same demand means FAILURE. Unfortunately many people, friends, colleagues, or personal trainers recommend doing what you like and you will eventually get successful.

However, this is complete bullshit. Sure, there might be a few out there who get successful by doing what they love, but there aren't many. I mean, how many people do you know that are successful by doing what they truly and deeply love?

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

How We Move Forward In Life

How to move forward in life? 

Many people move one step forward and two steps back.
Some people move two steps forward and one step back AND
Some never move anywhere.

What do we need in life to be happy? I believe it is progress. There are many people who don't have a job, they are struggling with money issues. They do not have a job and so don't see progress in some way. Fortunately this does not have to be this way.

What I discovered for myself a couple of years ago is, that we can also be happy without a job. As long as you have progress. But how do you make sure to have progress?

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Why We Lack Focus & Self-Discipline

This is a hard one. We all wish to do so much in our live. We want to travel, see America, China, Africa, go skiing in the Alps, rent a boat and discover the islands, make bungee jumping, go sky diving, buy this cool smartphone, buy this new clothes, get a nice kitchen etc...

There are so many things that we want. From my own perspective I can say that I also want so much more than I have. And why dont I have it? Lack of focus and discipline.

I truely believe that you can turn your whole life around in a year, but also in 5 years or in 10 years or never.

Most people wish that they will change their lives in 1 year and very often they never succeed.