Who is Roland Hint

Sunday, 30 November 2014

3 Ways To Increase Your Passive Income

There are many ways to increase your passive income. And many things really work. I will honestly tell you which ways I have tried and discovered as beneficial. Methods that did not work for me, just didn't work for me and they might be good for you, so try them out also if you are interested.

Here are the methods that I have tried.

#1 Fiverr: The first way I tried to make passive income online was by utilising fiverr.com. This platform was really good for me to discover that you really can make money online. First I offered making videos for people.

 Not having a digital camera at that moment, I used the webcam of my computer. Believe me the results were really not good, so I had to make the video even better. I think I have created around 30 videos for people and I mostly got good reviews. I had some orders at the beginning when I was still ranking higher as "New Arrivals" had not pushed me on the second page, but with the time I hardly had any orders anymore. Maybe 1 or 2 per week and this for $5 (actually just $4, as fiverr gets #1 for every $5 you earn). So, I tried to do something else on fiverr.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

How To Generate More Income - Rich Dad Poor Dad

Personally I am not an absolute expert in regards to building up passive income, but I am surely somebody who loves focusing on this area of my life.

I have recently read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad and I can recommend it to anyone who is searching for new ideas to grow your financial intelligence. I think one of the best parts of the book is when Robert Kiyosaki talks about Assets, Liabilities, Expenses & Income and in what the rich invest to become rich and what the poor and middle class does.

At the end of the book he mentiones something like that the middle class things they become rich by investing into houses and are actually not really right.
As they actually also grow their liabilities by doing it. I guess this point is a bit controversial but I think he means that it should not be your aim to buy a house and then have a mortgage running for another 20 years. Kiyosaki speaks of the earned money which should be transformed into passive income or portfolio income. 

Saturday, 15 November 2014

How To Find The Right Work Life Balance

Have you ever asked yourself, how to find the right work life balance? Well, I did and I am still not 100% sure how to find it. In general I think there are a few areas in life that have to fit together. One can not be without the other one for true fulfillment. Basically I think that there have to be a balance in these 3 main areas for satisfaction:

# Health #
# Social Love #
# Progress #

Please let me explain why I think the following points are so important and how you can get them going for yourself as well.

1. Health

Without health noting makes as fun as when you are healthy. Ever had a cold and went to work? How did it feel? Didn't you want to go home, tell your colleagues that they should shut the fuck up and didn't your boss nerve you? Stupid client meetings gave you the rest...?

Haha... I am sure you know what I am talking about. So health takes a very important part in our live. I know often you can not do anything against your cold, your fever or your headache, maybe...

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Train As Hard As You Like & See The Secrets Which Will Keep You Going

Personally I think that there is not a specific benchmark for how hard you should train and a very personal decision. I know people who prefer training not too hard but making very short breaks between the repitions of 30-45 sec's. They are rather focusing on burning fat and not so much on developing big muscles.

Then there are some who just hit the gym to move, they will walk on the treadmill and if they make some kind of weight lifting they will use low weights and just make few repitions. What I recognised is that rather women tend to do that. They often have another goal than men. They want to train their tighs, butt, legs or abs and are seeking to feel fit, of doing something. They don't want to built huge muscles and to be honest, I think its great seeing women train like that. It's not really about how hard they train, just the fact that they make the decision of going to the gym after work although they are not in the mood is already a great achievement.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

We Will Just Regret The Things We Have Not Done

You probably know the above saying and you probably also know that it is very true.
Have you ever said no to something, and at the next moment were annpyed about your stupid choice?

If you have not so far, you will definitely experience this in the future. Personally, I guess it happens nearly every month to me. I remember when I had a job interview but when the recruiter asked me if I really wanted the job stuttert. Not very convincing to take such an employee, what?

Or I had the chance to go on a great trip but was somehow afraid to tell that I was interested. Unfortunately the rest of the people drove without me then. It turned out it was one of the coolest trips the guys had ever made in their lives. In these moments you would love hitting yourself :)

There are so many opportunities in life. But most of the time we just use few of them. Why? Because we might wait for something better or think that we don't earn the opportunity or are just afraid of something new. And even some people think that they deserve the bad things in life, why? Because it was always like that.

Screw it. It's not like that. If you are poor today, you can get rich tomorrow. If you don't have a great job now, maybe you should seek for a better one and take some risks because you will just regreat the opportunities you have not taken in life.

Monday, 3 November 2014

What Makes Us Happy?

We all want to be happy in life and sometimes we want to pleasure others to be happy and forget about ourselves. There are so many mothers, fathers, children and grandparents in the world that are trying to do everything to make other family members happy.

Personally I think that this is a very unnatural behavior. Sure, we all have responsibilities, but first of all you should always take care about yourself. In the past I have tried to make everybody around me happy.

In the meanwhile I discovered that taking care about yourself first is crucial for a fulfilled life. If you are not happy yourself, how can you ever make others around you truely happy? It's not possible.

If you want a better life, you have to do what's important for you first, then you take care about your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, friends, family etc.