Who is Roland Hint

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Quarter Marathon and 5k in 7 days! 

In the last 10 days quite a lot things happened by me. On 18th August I was competing in a quarter Marathon in Carinthia.

My running time for the distance of 10.55k was 44 minutes 19 seconds. 

4:16/k average speed 14.04 km/h

I think the race was quite ok. I didn't run the fastest possible but quite steady. As I had another competition on 25th August I wanted to save some energy for that run.

Unfortunately I didn't do so well in 5k. Had a time of 20:30 minutes, so it's also just ok. I already ran faster than that almost 2 minutes so I am not quite sure why I couldn't speed up more. Guess maybe the grit I was running on was making me slower and took away more energy than expected. But I am not sure, maybe I was also just taking the first 2.5 k to slow. Had a time of 10:35 for the first 2.5 and then accelerated, took me another 9:55 for the other 2.5k.

Yea but all together it was actually a quite nice run.

So the next competition might be in 2 weeks, I am not sure now if I will participate cause it's just a 4.2k and it's stupid to compare other races I run with that distance. Let's see.

Here are two fotos of me:

Quarter Marathon

5k in a park, parts were grit some pavement . 

By the way, I am the guy on the left side with the yellow shor!;)

Please let me know about your running experience. Would really be happy to hearing from you.


Friday, 9 August 2013

Hey everybody!

So today I went on a run again. Not much to say. I wasnt really lazy in the last days but was always out with friends or at my families place at night so it was hard to find a silent minute to hit the road. Among that, we have right now 38 degrees and it's still hot at night. Nevertheless I went running today at night.

Took the 6k distance again, because running up the hill seemed to exhausting.

The 6k went quite ok. At the middle of the lap I had to take out a bit speed but ran it with a 4:25/k so actually quite ok if you think about the weather;)

I am not sure if I go running tomorrow as I am planning to meet some friends at night.

So, a few guys are always reading my blog, I would be interested if you also would let me know about your running attitude, Maybe we could push each other to the limit or just motivate us on a regular basis.

Would be so happy to hear from you!!!

Greets Jeff

Saturday, 3 August 2013


So I have been resting for a few days now because I had some pain in my left calf. Guess it's because I have been running 55 kilometers last week. My body is just not use to this exaustion.

Yesterday I made my first run again. An easy 6k run. Didn't look onto my watch. Guess I ran 4:30/k, whats quite ok. It's lovely here right now because it's very warm. Today we have 35 degrees.

So what I wanted to tell you. I have recognized that sometimes when I run I get stiches and I have to slow down my speed although I actually know that I could run them faster. My muscles are not saw or anything alike...it's just the stiches which slow me down.

I am actually not quite sure why I am exactly getting these but I guess it has to do with insufficient air in my lounges. Would be happy if somebody else could give his insights on how to get rid of these stiches during running.

See you guys

Wednesday, 24 July 2013


so today I went running the 6k as I already told you I will.

Unfortunately I somehow couldn't run the distance slow, so I ran 3 k quite fast with a 3:50/1k and then I had to slow down because my power was gone;)

Took the rest of the distance with a 4:20/1 k, so  it took nearly 25 minutes all together. But I think it's ok because I am a bit exhausted from the two days before.

Tomorrow I decided to make a rest because my shinbone on both legs hurts a bit and that's always a sign for me to rest;)

So, that was actually it.

Thanks for reading my blog and I would be happy to read something from you too.


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Interval training

Hey everybody,

Yesterday, 23th July I was running again.

I made my first interval training ever;)

So how did I do it. My short running track is about 6 km long. When I run it quite gently it takes me about 27 minutes 4:30/1k.

Yesterday I made 5 intervals on this distance. I ran quite fast the first part. It was

about 1.2k, afterwards I was walking for 2 minutes

then about 800 meters fast, 2 minutes walking
then 700 meters fast, 2 minutes walking
then 900 meters fast, 2 minutes walking
then 1000 meters fast, 2 minutes walking

These distances are just guessed so maybe they are a bit longer or shorter.

I am actually thinking of making the intervals shorter, so I guess it might be better to also run just a 200 or 400 meters fast pace.

How fast did I take them?

Really fast, almost so hard as if I am in a competition. Maybe 90-95% of maximum.

I was quite tired afterwards. Takes a lot of energy;)

But happy I made it.

Today I am planning to run  a 6k in a really gently speed. 28 minutes will be fine cause I have to recover somehow;)

Monday, 22 July 2013

Hey guys,

so I have already mentioned a few things about my running attitude in my previous posts.

As you know I am a runner. I love running. I want to tell you something about my training the last week.

I am training for a 5 k competition. My goal is to run a 5k in 18 minutes. Never done that before. PR is 18:55 last year Oktober 2012.

My training for the last week included:

Monday: 6k run 25 minutes

Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 16k run 1h 20
Thursday: 6k run 28 minutes
Friday: 12k run 55 minutes
Saturday: rest
Sunday: 16k run 1h 30 minutes, with 2 rests and some intervall training, went running with 3 friends much of up hill

Total 56 km in Week 1 (feeling that it might be to much, not quit sure, never ran that much before. Normal average is about 25 k a week. But I am somehow very motivated right now. Let's see how much it's gonna be this week.

Thanks for reading. Would appreciate it, if you could let me know about your training as well. Doesn't matter how fast or how slow you take them. Taking action is the most important.

Greets Jeff

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

How To Get Fit / How To Start Running / How To Motivate Yourself

So, now here comes my personal view on this topic.

As you probably know, I am a runner and I love running.

When you search the internet you'll find lots of people, if on youtube, twitter, facebook or anywhere else. And they are all trying to sell you some stuff...

I think the main problem concerning that is, that nowadays the internet is full of crap. Almost nobody really cares about what people purchase as least it fills their pokets...

That's really sad.

I mean there are some guys out there who are really honest and don't try to fool you. These people are really helpers. Of course they also want to earn some money. We all want that. We all have to pay our bills. Living is expensive. That's the way it is. 

I would never recommend a product that I haven't tried myself. If I try a product and I think it is worth buying it then I will probably also recommend it. I would get a comission on that product, but that's just for the hard work putting in to this.

My tips to beginners: If you want to start running you don't need to have a running instructor. You don't need anybody who tells you to eat vegetables or oat meal, who charges you a lot. 

The best way for people who want to get in a good shape is a goal and motivation. 

1. You Need A Goal: 

For lots of people it is easy to have a goal. The goal might be to lose fat, to climb the stairs without collapsing, to travel to a city without fainting in the heat... There might be numerous reasons...maybe it's even a health issue. Your doctor told you to do sports. There might be a lot of reasons.

So as you know your goal now, make it a bit more clear. So just to lose weight will not be enough. It would be much better if you said: " till end of September my body weight will be 140 pounds."

2. You Need A Motivation

I actually think that most people fail here. It might be easy to motivate yourself for one run, or even 5...BUT... I will tell you something... not even 10% succeed and reach their goal. Not even 10% of humans. Isn't that sad? 
Do you know what dying people regret the most: 

When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. 

It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

So, how do you stay focussed and motivated?

There is actually just one way. You have to change your surrounding. A good way is to find a friend who also likes to run. Join him. Running with another person makes you stronger. If you are down he will lift you up and the opposite. But..don't forget, it is very likely that your friend won't go the whole way with you. He will probably fail to go the whole way.

That's why you need other motivation sources. I recommend looking motivating videos on youtube. Just search for motivation, motivational speeches and so on. You will find great videos there. A few are even from me:)

You know what I have done, one and a half years ago?

When I drove to walk I almost every day took my mobile, went into the internet, plugged my ear phones on and listened a half an hour motivating stuff.

You know. If you train in a team you will have a trainer or a coach or your teammates to motivate you. If you are training alone or just with one friend, you have to make up your own coach. This coach is the motivating songs, speeches or watever you are listening or reading.

This will give you the thrive to go over the first month of training. It will make you strong. If you made it to the second month you are already very far. If you manage to train for 3 month you will be unstoppable... In the fourth month you have succeeded. Stopping to train will now be hard for you, as you are already used to it. If you manage to train more than four month, you have let 90% of your colleagues behind you.

I congratulate. You are a Winner. If you can do that in running. You can succeed in any area of your life.

So. To sum up. If you want to change your current body situation. You need two things.
1. a goal (make it clear)

2. a motivation (ask a friend, read, listen additional motivating stuff, subscribe for a competition)

Hope I could help you on that. In the next days I will give write a link here to my motivation channel, so you can get the best videos. It's not finished yet.

Run To Compete / Run To Live

Running since I am a kid, 6 or 7 years old.My first competitions however, I ran with the age of 12.

I always loved running and I still do. I like to get out of the house and hit the road. There's hardly anything I like as much.
At the age of 15 I started training for the first time in my life on a regular basis. I was training for a 6k race in my small home town. I had no clue which time I could/would or should run on this distance. I just knew I wanted to run it better than the year before when I had stitches and had to walk for a few hundred meters.

The embarassing thing about it was, that my class colleagues where watching me but I just couldn't run anymore.

I finished this race but I just remember that lots of runners where passing by. The time? I can't remember. But what I do remember is, that I came back to this competition again, the next year...

So as already mentioned I started training. I trained 4 days a week on average and trained for 3 continous month. I remember it was really hard on some days to go running. You have to imagine that I didn't have a mother or father who were motivating me or telling me to keep focssed. I had to figure out a way for myself.

How I did it?

It was a time when I started reading some books about successfull people. My favorite book at that time was from a dude called Bodo Schäfer. He influenced me a lot in my teen years.

So back to the training. When the day for the competition came I was afraid to go there. I think I was afraid, although I had trained, to run a worse race then the year before, but I just had to compete.

In these days I actually wanted to build a team with my best friend Andi and my father Günther. But both of them rejected to participate in the race. Andi was just not feeling so well at this day and my father wasn't trained enough.
They thaught I would be sad if they joined me in the team and would run a bad time... Actually it wouldn't have bothered me... but what can you do...

So I was there alone and also my motivation was vanishing. I knew I was a bit talented in running and I really loved it... but I mean, I was that young little boy competing against grown ups.
I thaught I had no chance to come close to a good result.

So the race started, we were about 120 runners, I guess. 23:30 later I passed the finishing line and I was pretty happy anout myself. I have run in competitions before but I always attended them because my teacher asked me to go there... but I never subscribed for a course myself and trained for it...
I think I finished the race on 15th place or so. Can't really remember but about this place.
With this race I started to believe in my running talent. I knew I could train and run fast, faster then anybody else in my school class.

Afterwords I attended a few other races. These were school cups where kids at my age participated. And I almost always was second, never first, for some reason.

Until approximately 1 and a half years after my "first" race when I competed at the regional school championship. I had 7 or 8 competitiors from different schools from my region and I ran first over the finishing line.
As we were the best team in my region. we  participated in the Austrians school tournament, which was in Vienna.
Also here I was first finisher, but also just had 3 competitors. I was 16 or 17 years old and finished with 4:24:5 minutes for 1.500 meters.

For me this was a great time as I never had a trainer or coach. I just ran for myself and could reach this time.
In the years afterwards I started my military service and then I went to study. Running still stayed a part of my life but I just ran very unregular. Sometimes I just didn't run for 2 month and then I ran 2 times a week. But I didn't really get some training benefits out of it.

I have participated in a half-marathon 2009 which took me 1:42h. Unfortunately I ran this distance with casual shoes. One week after the race I still couldn't go stairs because it seemed as if my bones were broken. I remember when I learned at the university library. There was no elevator and I had to head up the steps into the 1 floor. It was a pain in my ass. I lifted myself up the handrail.

I believe I could have run faster but my feet started hurting at 4k already;) As I was a student I couldn't afford running shoes for myself. I worked next to my studies and could hardly afford my housing and buying food.
Nevertheless I also attended some other races at that time. Actually beginning with 2007 when I started running the 5k in a university championship. I ran good but not very well.
There were about 250 competitors at an average and I made the following places:

2007: 35

2008: 20
2009: I couldn't attend
2010: 65
2011: 35 again
2012: 9
2013: 29

Should I be proud about these results? I don't know. My best time on this distance at this races was 20:39.
But I also attended other competitions so as the vienna night run where I made the 130 place with a time of 18:55 on a 5k in 2012.

My best time till now. Actually I am training hard since 1 and a half year now and have just competed twice. The one race with the 18:55 time, and the race where I was 29th. This race actually should have been MY race. I trained over a year for it and was very enthusiastic. Unfortunately I hadn't trained 5 weeks before the race because I was ill for 2 weeks and went on a vaction for 3 weeks after that.

I flew home from china one day before the race was and that just killed me. As I have eaten just junk food in China and hadn't slept so well in the aeroplane I wasn't really fit.

When the race came I thaught I could defend the 9th place I had made the year before but no way.

I ran about 3k and then got stitches. I could hardly breath... just started far to fast... and had to jogg really slow for 500 meters... I guess I was at 12 position at that time... and I lost another 16 positions until I started to run faster again. I finied 29th and that's the story...;)

Now I am fully back in training and I am focussing on my next run on 25th of August.
This time I will hopefully make my dreams come true!;)
I would be happy if you could comment on your experiences as well. 

Greets Jeffrey